Kids Programming

Speaking Engagement

The Power of Kindness by Cody Foss

  • Cost- $500 *

  • Audience- K-12 students, sports teams, girl scouts, boy scouts etc.. 

  • Duration- 30 Minutes

*travel tbd past 25 miles 


This age appropriate talk will combine impactful stories, science and relatable examples of the great power Kindness has.  This inspirational and impactful message will empower children to appreciate their power and how they can impact their communities through kindness. This talk will explain and connect participants to why bullying is so harmful and how each of us needs kindness more than we might have realized.


Kindness Connection Workshop by Cody Foss

  • Cost- $15 per participant

  • Audience- K-12 students, sports teams, girl scouts, boy scouts etc.. 

  • Duration- 90 Minutes

*travel tbd past 25 miles 


This connecting activity will provide an engaging conversation on how and why to act with kindness followed by connecting team building activities. This fun activities will reinforce the lessons taught in the talk and demonstrate how to be kinder human beings!

Kids Programming

  • School climate refers to the collective experiences, perceptions, and attitudes that characterize a school environment. It encompasses various factors, including safety, relationships, teaching practices, and the overall culture within a school. A positive school climate promotes student engagement, enhances learning outcomes, and supports the emotional and psychological well-being of both students and staff.

    Key components of a healthy school climate include:

    1. Safety: A secure environment where students feel physically and emotionally safe is essential. This aspect includes not only the prevention of bullying and harassment but also the establishment of clear safety protocols.

    2. Relationships: Strong connections between students, teachers, and the wider school community foster a sense of belonging. Positive interactions contribute to higher student motivation and academic achievement.

    3. Teaching and Learning: A supportive climate facilitates effective teaching and encourages active student participation. This can involve collaborative teaching strategies, personalized learning experiences, and cultural relevance in the curriculum.

    4. Inclusivity: An inclusive school climate values diversity and ensures that all students feel represented and respected. This can encompass various dimensions such as race, ethnicity, gender, and ability.

    5. Support Systems: Schools that provide adequate mental health resources, counseling services, and academic support contribute to a positive climate. Accessibility to these services helps students navigate challenges effectively.

    6. Communication: Open lines of communication among students, parents, and staff are vital for addressing concerns and celebrating achievements. Regular feedback mechanisms can enhance trust and transparency.

    Improving school climate is a collaborative effort that requires the involvement of students, educators, administrators, and parents. Regular assessments of school climate through surveys and feedback can help identify areas of improvement and track progress over time. A concerted focus on cultivating a positive climate can lead to lasting benefits for the entire school community.

    Healthy & Happy Children- Healthy and happy kids are often the result of a supportive environment that encourages physical activity, balanced nutrition, and emotional well-being.

    Physical Activity: Engaging children in regular physical activity is crucial. Activities such as playing outside, sports, dancing, or even family walks contribute to their physical health. Setting aside time for exercise helps develop motor skills, improve mood, and build social connections.

    Balanced Nutrition: Providing nutritious meals is essential for growth and development. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins fuels their bodies and minds. Involving kids in meal preparation can also teach them healthy eating habits and increase their interest in trying new foods.

    Emotional Well-Being: Emotional health is just as important as physical health. Establishing open lines of communication fosters trust and emotional security. Encouraging kids to express their feelings and providing them with support during challenges significantly enhances their self-esteem and resilience.

    Routine and Stability: Consistent routines provide a sense of security. Regular sleep schedules, mealtimes, and family activities help children feel grounded, promoting both mental and physical wellness.

    Social Connections: Encouraging friendships and social interactions supports emotional development. Group activities, team sports, or clubs allow children to build connections and learn social skills in a positive environment.

    Promoting a holistic approach that incorporates physical, emotional, and social elements will contribute to raising healthy and happy children, preparing them for a balanced life.