Compassionate Leadership

Ian and Cody collectively bring over 60 years of experience to the table, shaped by their unique and impactful career paths. Their partnership emphasizes a shared commitment to enhancing human development and connection.

The opportunity to have Ian and Cody co-present is both unique and powerful, combining their insights and expertise to foster meaningful dialogue and connection among participants. Their collaborative approach serves to inspire and engage, making this experience invaluable for all involved.

Meet the Team

  • Ian Hockley

    When the Hockley family relocated from England to Connecticut in the winter of 2011 it was the realization of a family dream. Ian had visited the United States regularly since childhood, Nicole was from Rhode Island and Jake was born on the Fourth of July; in many ways it was coming home. They moved to the idyllic town of Sandy Hook which Ian selected after touring the beautiful neighborhoods and meeting the staff at the elementary school, knowing Dylan especially would get the perfect start as they made their new life. This bright beginning ran full force into the American nightmare on December 14th, 2012 when Dylan was shot and killed in his first-grade classroom alongside 19 of his fellow students and six educators in one of the worst mass shootings in recent U.S. history.

    After a 20-year career in the finance teams of numerous blue-chip corporations, Ian left that world to create Dylan’s Wings of Change, a nonprofit dedicated to his son’s memory with a mission to create strong, inclusive communities. Working with education experts the foundation created Wingman, a youth leadership program that develops social and emotional skills through team bonding and trust building activities. This program inspires children to be more empathetic, courageous and inclusive young leaders. Today, Wingman is being used in schools and youth organizations across the northeast to promote accepting and inclusive environments and positive school cultures.

    In 2024, Ian left Dylan’s Wings of Change in good hands to venture out and share pro bono his 12 years of charitable management and fundraising experience with small nonprofits, and to bring the power of the Wingman program to corporate America. Ian presents about the power of human connection and the importance of empathetic leadership. His time in the corporate world exposed him to some abysmal management practices; executive bullies who hid their lack of ability behind a culture of fear. He was inspired by his leaders who built cohesive, connected teams, after all “people don’t quit their jobs, they quit their managers”.

  • Cody Foss MS

    Cody has over 30 years of experience in the health and wellness industry and 15 years of experience in nonprofit leadership. Cody has owned, managed, or directed non profits and health and wellness facilities in NYC and Fairfield County, CT. Most recently, Cody oversaw the Ben’s Bells Project Northeast Operations.

    Cody is an impactful public speaker and an established author who published his first book in 2022, in addition to contributing to multiple magazines and newspapers. 

    Cody has created and engaged in multiple community initiatives working collaboratively with multiple local and national organizations.

    This vision was highlighted by the creation and implementation of The Spark Afterschool Program. A collaborative afterschool program that involved multiple community partners to provide culturally enriched programming and opportunities for peer connections. All children need to learn how to take care of themselves physically, socially, and emotionally. 

    Cody has built relationships, networks and communities based on collaboration, inspiration, and connection.

    When summarizing his career path and choices, Cody has been driven by his "Y". Where he simply feels like a better human being when helping others. This emotion is further enhanced when he’s able to connect others in this process. Cody has reflected that his life and career have been a constant pursuit of learping and teaching others about physical & emotional growth, healing and connection.

    From his roots in sports medicine and fitness, to evolving into large scale community initiatives and non profits, Cody has been building his tribe his entire life.