Corporate Wellness

Speaking Engagement

The Power of Extreme Kindness by Ian Hockley and Cody Foss

  • Cost- $2,000 *

  • Audience- Adults, Corporations 

  • Duration- 60 Minutes

*travel tbd past 25 miles 


A two part presentation connecting an emotional and powerful journey with research-based findings on brain health.

“The Butterfly Effect - how Radical Kindness can change the world”, by Ian Hockley. A story that starts on December 14th, 2012 in the village of Sandy Hook, Connecticut.

Enhancing Human Connections and Relationships”, by Cody Foss. An in-depth approach to building strong human connections by fostering trust, developing social intelligence, and enhancing communication skills.

Workplace culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, and behaviors that shape the environment of an organization. It encompasses everything from communication styles and decision-making processes to the attitudes toward work-life balance and employee well-being.

A positive workplace culture promotes collaboration and inclusivity, encouraging employees to voice their opinions and contribute ideas. It fosters a sense of belonging, where individuals feel valued and supported, ultimately leading to higher job satisfaction and retention. Developing a culture that prioritizes respect and recognition can enhance team dynamics and drive performance

 Investing in employee mental and physical health is crucial for businesses aiming to cultivate a productive and thriving workforce.Prioritizing employee health not only leads to reduced healthcare costs and decreased absenteeism but also fosters a positive company culture centered around vitality and mindfulness. Ultimately, investing in the health and happiness of employees leads to a vibrant organizational culture, where individuals thrive both personally and professionally. Organizations that prioritize these aspects are likely to see sustainable success and high levels of employee satisfaction. Healthy Employees

Ian and Cody will inspire, educate and connect your team with powerful, fun and impactful workshops that will combine both speaking engagements and break out workshops. 

After meeting with leadership and determining how many workshops your company is interested in, Ian and Cody will customize the experience for your employees. 

At the strength of Ian and Cody's style of engagement is their ability to connect with groups  and implement connecting activities. In addition to creative and impactful group activities, companies can also choose to participate in a capstone workshop where they will “pay it forward” by helping to create a Mural to be gifted to a surrounding community (no extra cost).

Team Connecting Workshops

Workshop Options

  • Full Program

    Full Program

    4 Workshops

    90 minutes each

    Cost- $4,900

  • Build it.

    Partial Program

    3 Workshops

    90 minutes each

    Cost- $4,100

  • Half Program

    Half Program

    2 Workshops

    90 minutes each

    Cost- $3,100

  • One Day Workshop (Full)

    One  Day Workshop

    8 hours


  • One Day 1/2 Workshop

    One  Day Workshop (1/2 Day)

    4 hours
